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Sales Terms & Conditions

Purchases of products or services made on Myticketprinting.eu (the "Site") are governed by the following conditions (the "Conditions").

By clicking on the "I accept" button the user (the "User") accepts the Terms without limitation or reservation. The site is owned by Bottega dell'Immagine, located in Viale Po, 16 - 30015 Chioggia (VE), Italy, VAT No. IT02787700273 ("Myticketprinting").

1. Services offered by the site

1.1 The Site allows you to use web to print services (collectively the "Services"), including personalised printing of documents in various formats and on various media (the "Products") with home delivery. Unless otherwise specified, these Conditions shall apply to all the Services offered by Myticketprinting, where compatible.

1.2 To access the Services, it is necessary to register on the Site in the special area reserved for the User. During registration, Users will be asked to specify whether they intend to register and therefore make purchases as a company, individual/professional company, private individual, association or public administration, also specifying the User's nationality. Only purchases of Services made by private Users will be subject to the applicable regulations on consumers, in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 206 of 06.09.2005 (the "Consumer Code").

1.3 All final prices of the Services displayed on the Site are expressed in Euros and you can view them both with and without VAT, depending on the country or type of registration. The prices of the Services may be subject to periodic variations. Shipping costs are the responsibility of the User.

2. Product selection and purchase method

2.1 The information and details contained on the Site should not be considered offers: they simply constitute an invitation to Users to conclude business through the submission of purchase orders. The proposal to purchase Products is made by the User when the order form is sent in electronic format at the end of the procedure provided for by the Site and described below.

2.2 After having authenticated, the User will be able to proceed with the selection of the Products as described in the relevant sections, selecting them each time, customizing them, and adding the desired quantities to his/her shopping cart. Some images may be provided for information purposes and may differ from the appearance of the Product delivered.

2.3 Unless the User opts for the graphics service, once the estimate has been confirmed, the User will be asked to complete the order by uploading the content you wish to print in the "Upload" section

2.4 The User remains solely responsible for checking the contents, spelling and graphics of the uploaded files.

2.5 At the end of the selection of the desired items, a screen will be displayed to send the order with an indication of the total costs and expenses, for all the Products and/or Services selected.

2.6 After sending the order, the User will receive an order confirmation in which the type of Products ordered, the price of each of them, the relative taxes, the delivery costs and the payment method chosen will be indicated. The contract shall be deemed concluded and binding when Myticketprinting sends the User the order confirmation to the e-mail address indicated by the User when registering on the Site.

2.7 Myticketprinting reserves the right, at its sole discretion, not to process any order. This may also occur in the event that:
- the data provided by the User when filling in the order form is incomplete or incorrect;
- the User does not meet the requirements for the payment conditions;
- the ordered Products are not available.
In the cases indicated above, Myticketprinting shall inform the User by e-mail that the order proposal has not been accepted (in whole or in part) specifying the reasons thereof and, therefore, the contract has not been concluded. In this case, Myticketprinting shall reimburse the Customer User any sums already paid by the latter.

2.8 The contract will be archived with the right for the Customer to have access to it.

3. Payments and content uploading

3.1 The customer may purchase the Services online and make payments using the various means of payment indicated on the Site, following the instructions indicated for the purchase procedure.
The information required for payment will be forwarded, using encrypted protocols, to the payment institution entrusted by Myticketprinting with remote electronic payment services, without the possibility of access by third parties. Payments must be made in advance and, only after payment and uploading of the "compliant" file by the User, will the selected items be put into production.

3.2 For payments by Bank Transfer the production will start only after the credit has been made and, consequently, the delivery can be postponed by 2-3 days, plus the time for printing and shipping. In this case it is also necessary to insert the order number in the reason for payment to identify the transaction.

3.3 The invoice will be made available to the customer in his reserved area in a dedicated section: it will be the customer's responsibility to access this area, print the document and keep it according to the regulations in force.

4. Users' responsibility for uploaded content

4.1 The selection of the contents and images to be printed, as well as the acquisition of the relative authorisations for their reproduction, where necessary, and the use of personal information relating to the recipients, remain the exclusive responsibility of the Users. Myticketprinting shall in no case proceed with the verification of the contents except for the technical specifications and the graphic compatibility with the required specifications.

4.2 Myticketprinting shall in no way be held liable for the unauthorised use of images by Users and for any type of violation of existing third party rights over them.
The User therefore exonerates Myticketprinting, also undertaking to keep it harmless and indemnify it from any liability towards third parties who may complain of violations of intellectual property rights, injury to the image, honour, decorum, moral integrity or in any case any pecuniary or non-pecuniary damage resulting from the printing of the images and contents uploaded by the User, as well as from the use of personal information and/or the receipt of the Products by the recipients of the Service.

4.3 Myticketprinting reserves the right in any case to block any order that involves a clear violation of the intellectual property rights of third parties or whose contents are defamatory, violent or in any other way contrary to public order and morality.

5. Automatic verification of uploaded files

5.1 The Myticketprinting system automatically checks for compatibility in terms of format, size, resolution, as well as the conversion of any Pantone to the best profile for the required print job (the system does not inform about the Pantone colours in the file, but directly converts them to CMYK).

5.2 In case of non-compliance with the file sent, the system will proceed with a warning and the User will have the right to confirm the printing or to proceed with the upload of a new file. 

6. Operator verification option for uploaded files

6.1 At the request of the User, through the "File Verification" option it is possible, upon payment of an additional amount, to request verification of the graphic-aesthetic specifications of the file by Myticketprinting.
By selecting this option, Myticketprinting will provide: security margins, distance of graphic elements from the edge of the print, front and back orientation. In any case, the operator verification system for uploaded files does not include an exhaustive check of the layout or spelling.

7. Delivery and shipping time

7.1 The Products will be shipped on the dates selected by the User during the quotation process.

7.2 Since this is a sale with shipment, the terms are merely indicative and not guaranteed since, regardless of the amount paid by the User, they depend on the delivery services of third parties such as couriers and are calculated from the completion of the order, i.e. the outcome of the upload of the file and the receipt of confirmation. Delivery dates are valid for most of a given national territory. The islands and more remote areas may be served in two or more additional working days.

7.3 The order must be considered not completed until the User uploads the file and pays for it.
If the User does not upload the file within 15 days from the order date, the order will be cancelled. If the file does not comply, if it is not replaced within 15 days, the order will be cancelled.

7.4 Without prejudice to point 7.2 above, shipping and delivery will take place within the terms selected in the estimate on condition that the purchase order is completed by 12:00 noon on the same day. Receipt of files or payment confirmations after 12:00 noon will be considered to have taken place on the following working day.
Working days are from Monday to Friday excluding 1/1, 6/1, 25/4, 1/5, 2/6, 15/8, 1/11, 8/12, 24/12, 25/12, 26/12, 31/12, Easter Monday.

7.5 Myticketprinting shall not be liable in any case for possible damage caused by delays in delivery, which is carried out by couriers who are third parties with respect to Myticketprinting.

7.6 The risks relating to the Products pass to the User upon delivery of the Products to the courier.

8. Right of withdrawal

8.1 According to the provisions of articles 52 et seq. of the Consumer Code, the User, who is a consumer, has the right to withdraw, without penalty and without specifying the reason, within and no later than fourteen days from receipt of the Products (or, in the case of multiple goods ordered by means of a single Order and delivered separately, from the day on which the Customer or a third party designated by him/her, other than the carrier, acquires physical possession of the last good).

8.2 For the purposes of exercising the right of withdrawal, the User must, before the expiry of the term referred to in the previous point, inform Myticketprinting of its decision by sending written notice to the following address:
Bottega dell'Immagine - Viale Po, 16 - 30015 Chioggia (VE) within 14 days of receiving the Products. This communication can be sent via our contact form.

8.3 In the event of exercising the right of withdrawal, the User shall return the Products received to Myticketprinting, by sending it to its registered office at the address indicated above, without undue delay and in any case within fourteen days from the date on which it communicated its decision to withdraw; the term shall be deemed to have been respected if the User returns the Products before the expiry of the fourteen-day period.

8.4 The direct cost of returning the Products shall be borne by the User.

8.5 The User is obliged to return the Products in an intact state of preservation. The packaging of the Products must be accurate, in order to safeguard the original wrappings from damage, writing or labels. The consumer is responsible for the decrease in value of the goods resulting from handling the goods other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics or functioning of the same.

8.6 If the right of withdrawal has been exercised in compliance with the aforesaid provisions, Myticketprinting shall, within fourteen days of receipt of the notice of withdrawal, return to the User all payments received, in relation to the order to which the withdrawal refers, using the same means of payment used by the User for the initial transaction where this does not entail costs for the User as a result of the refund; however, pursuant to art. 56, paragraph III, of the Consumer Code, Myticketprinting has the right to withhold the refund until the User has received the goods or until the User has proved that he has returned the goods, whichever situation occurs first.

8.7 Pursuant to art. 59 letter c of the Consumer Code, Myticketprinting informs Users that the right of withdrawal is excluded for all Products and goods made to measure or customised for the User by printing the contents or images selected and uploaded by the User himself.

9. Exemption from liability - product defects

9.1 Myticketprinting shall not be liable to the User for damages of any kind, whether direct or indirect, deriving from any errors, of any nature, in the printing of the file sent by the customer, except for wilful intent or gross negligence.
In the event of printing errors not attributable to the User or delivery of a defective or damaged product, Myticketprinting shall only be required to carry out one reprint of the material.
Users who can be qualified as consumers may request from Myticketprinting, within the term referred to in art. 132 of the Consumer Code, the remedies provided for by the same Consumer Code for conformity defects of the Products existing at the time of delivery of the goods.

9.2 At the time of delivery the User is obliged to carefully examine the products received. Any defects in the goods delivered, errors in printing or packaging of the material not attributable to the User, must be reported immediately to the courier or customer service. The goods must be collected by signing with specific reservation of control. The User must then open a report by e-mail, taking care to attach photographic documentation if requested within 8 days of receipt of the material. Myticketprinting will do its best to reply to the reports received within two hours.

10. Applicable law, jurisdiction and place of jurisdiction. Alternative dispute resolution

10.1 These Conditions and orders issued pursuant to them are subject to Italian law.

10.2 All disputes relating to the interpretation and/or execution of these Terms and Conditions and orders issued under them shall be the sole responsibility
- of the Court of Venice (Italy), in case of purchases made by Users who do not qualify as consumers; or
- of the forum of residence or domicile of the User, in the case of purchases made by Users who qualify as consumers.

10.3 Consumers resident in the European Union should be aware that the European Commission has set up an online platform that provides an alternative dispute resolution tool. This tool can be used by the European consumer to resolve non-judicially any dispute relating to and/or arising from contracts for the sale of goods and services concluded online. Consequently, and without prejudice to the foregoing in this article 10, the User who makes purchases as a consumer may use this platform to resolve any dispute arising from the online contract entered into with Myticketprinting. The platform is available at the following link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/?event=main.home.show&lng=IT.

11. Contacts

11.1 For further information and assistance on the Site or on the methods of purchase on the Site or on the Orders, Users may contact Myticketprinting through the customer service as follows: contact form or by letter to the following address Bottega dell'Immagine - Viale Po, 16 - 30015 Chioggia (VE) - Italy.

Review No. 2 of 25/11/2020

These general conditions apply exclusively to orders received by Myticketprinting after the review date.

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